Kabah is the House of Allah and it has been reconstructed many times from the time of its first construction. People believe that Kabah was firstly build by angels two thousand years before the birth of Hazrat Adam. Later, it was built by Hazrat Adam for worship.
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Kabah is the House of Allah and it has been reconstructed many times from the time of its first construction. People believe that Kabah was firstly build by angels two thousand years before the birth of Hazrat Adam. Later, it was built by Hazrat Adam for worship.

Umrah is among the great blessings of Allah Almighty for a believer. It’s such an opportunity that Allah grants for a Muslim, whenever he desires. Some may get it as early as in childhood while for some, old age is also a possibility.Umrah is among the great blessings of Allah Almighty for a believer. It’s such an opportunity that Allah grants for a Muslim, whenever he desires. Some may get it as early as in childhood while for some, old age is also a possibility. In short, whenever you get the chance to perform umrah, you must never miss out on the opportunity.For any one of us, performing u