5 memorable logos and their why | Dofollow Social Bookmarking Sites 2016
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A few months ago, to help you in your creation, we presented you with the 6 criteria that make a good logo . Hopefully this helped you in creating your logo. To follow up on this article, we present to you today 5 successful logos, and why these logos perform well according to our 6 criteria.
Ingenious, the logo of the Paris tourist office incorporates two symbolic icons while remaining simple. We find in the signature a graphically simplified version of the Eiffel Tower, as well as the more stylized letter ¨i¨ to emphasize the concept of information. This logo has all the criteria for a good logo(Expert Modern Logo Designers in Brighton, UK) that we have shared with you. He is simple, flexible, but with a great personality and a timeless side. The chosen red color captures the attention and harmonizes well with the city of Paris.


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